About Us

What we do?
RYA Cosmo Elite is a nonprofit organization based out of Chennai, India. It was formed in the year 2014 as an extension to RYA Cosmo, which is in return affiliated to the ancestor club RYA (Rajasthan Youth Association), a reputed association serving society for nearly 5 decades.
The Association consists of 100+ Rajasthani youth, who have come together to promote social, cultural literary, arts, moral and service activities. Apart from rendering social, educational and cultural services to community (society) in general public interest, we also undertake activities of public charity/ social help by acts, medical aid, conducting health camps, relief to poor and handicapped and relief in times of natural calamities and any other occasion of demand and many other social service activities.
We are also proud to announce that within 2 years of our formation we have launched our permanent project E-BANK which is operated under the registered trust named as RYA COSMO ELITE FOUNDATION. The project has been running successfully and growing day by day. You can get a glimpse of our activities through the gallery section.